Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not thinking about not thinking about it

A few weeks ago, I had a friend tell me she was struggling with a food addiction to chocolate-covered almonds. Because she couldn't stop at 1 or 2 handfuls, she started feeling like they were a forbidden food. And because she loved them so very much, she couldn't quit buying them. Then she would tell herself not to think about chocolate almonds; like "okay, no chocolate covered almonds today" or if they randomly popped into her mind, she'd tell herself "stop thinking about almonds!! sheesh, where is my self-control?"... and from there, the mind games went on and on.

This got me thinking... and I realized, by the very act of telling yourself not to think about something, you are in fact, THINKING ABOUT IT.

This is a not a Nobel-prize level realization. But it is a small realization that can save excess calories, waistline inches, and even years worth of negative, unproductive thoughts. It's so simple: instead of allowing a passing thought to derail you completely, just let that thought come... and go. There is absolutely no need to tell yourself you're bad for thinking a certain thought either -- self-punishment over "thoughts that should not be thought" only keep you trapped in an environment centered around temptation.

The bottom line is simple. When thoughts that may derail your good intentions pop into your head, just let them pass right on through. Better yet, have proactive plan. For example, tell yourself you'll think about the beach, or go read the headline news, or that you'll facebook (or something!) when such thoughts pop into your head.

If thoughts become reality, then positive and proactive will do you right... in every facet of life.

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