Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This 'n that

That's it. That's how I describe what I do for a living these days. A little fitness, a little nutrition, some TV work, writing, project management, and blah blah blah. Point is, I get to work on some fun projects, and as I journey through these projects, I learn a lot of great stuff. I want to share those experiences -- those profound realizations -- with someone. Perhaps you. Take it or leave it. I don't claim to be all-knowing, but I do claim to try anything and weigh every practical option in the pursuit of health and wellness. Recently, I felt really privileged when I was asked to scour every aisle of the grocery store and analyze the good and bad aspects of "reduced-fat" foods (I know, right? ;). I learned a great deal... and I spent a lot of time doing it; it shouldn't go to waste. So that's what I'm gonna do -- share adventures in fitness, diet, and every topic in between. Starting.... tomorrow, and continuing on an irregular basis (sorry, commitment issues).

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